
Family Weekend Registration

Register for Family Weekend 2024: September 13-15

Registration is now closed. Many events are complimentary so you and your student can enjoy your time together. You may pay for Winslow lunch tickets and Fall Fanfare tickets at the door. Enjoy Family Weekend!

Purchase your football tickets ($10/adult) with the link above. All children (17 & Under) & current Murray State students with a valid student ID will receive free admission to all home football events. Please contact the Athletic Ticket Office at 270.809.3000 or msu.tickets@murraystate.edu with football ticket questions.

Football ticket purchases through this promo site will end at Noon on Friday, September 13, 2024.

Learn more about Family Weekend

Schedule of Events

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Contact us

Please email msu.family@murraystate.edu or call 270.809.6831 or 270.809.2274 with questions. See you soon!

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