
Stormwater Management

Murray State University's Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) allows MSU to meet its commitment to environmental stewardship and to obtain co-permittee coverage with the City of Murray Stormwater Department under the Phase II Stormwater General Permit under the Clean Water Act. Stormwater management is designed to prevent and reduce stormwater pollution.  It addresses six minimum control measures:

The objective of this minimum control measure is to inform the university’s faculty, staff, and students about the impact that they may have on water quality. Examples of activities that are part of the university’s stormwater pollution prevention plan include:

  • Develop and maintain a stormwater website, with complaint reporting, personal pollution prevention tips and contacts.

  • Include stormwater quality awareness activities in special university events.

  • Educate the community on ways to identify and report illicit discharges. 

Visit the following websites to learn more about stormwater in our area:

The objective of this minimum control measure is to engage the university community in an active role in both the development and implementation of its stormwater pollution prevention plan. The community will be able to provide valuable input into stormwater management activities which will be integral to the overall success of the program because of the additional support, expertise, and resource. Examples of activities that are part of the university’s stormwater pollution prevention plan include:

  • Recycle Saturday is 8 a.m.–noon on the first Saturday of every month at the North Farm recycling facility. On these recycling days, university and community members can bring recyclables, and employees will unload and sort the materials. The North Farm recycling facility is a collaborative effort between the University, the county and the city, created to receive recyclable materials from all three entities.

  • Murray Environmental Student Society (MESS) engages with the campus community to raise awareness about environmental issues including stormwater quality topics.

  • Several departments at Murray State University support Four Rivers Watershed Watch that is a group a volunteers that conduct stream quality surveys on streams, rivers, and lakes in the Four Rivers Region of Kentucky. They encourage all individuals to know about their waterways, since the condition of streams and rivers is an indicator of the health of water and communities.   Volunteers conduct investigations on Bee Creek, which passes through the university, and along Clark’s River, Murray’s primary source of drainage.

Visit the following websites to get involved in stormwater pollution prevention in our area:


The objective of this minimum control measure is to ensure that the university community has a thorough awareness of their storm sewer system. Such awareness will address identifying and eliminating illicit discharges and the establishment of protocol needed to eliminate such discharges. Examples of these activities include:

  • Develop a stormwater management policy prohibiting non-stormwater discharges and illegal dumping and distribute to the campus community.

  • Train staff on how to identify an illicit discharge and how to report.

  • Develop procedures to remove illicit discharges. Procedures will include immediate response for violations deemed emergencies and coordination with the City of Murray Stormwater Management Department.

To Report an Illicit Discharge:

What is an illicit discharge?

Any release of chemicals or pollutants to the stormwater system on Murray State's campus.  Examples include water from washing vehicles, paint brushes, floor cleaning, etc. Only rain water, snow melt and uncontaminated potable water should go into stormwater drains.

The objective of this minimum control measure is to reduce the impact of construction site runoff on the waters, by using best management practices, both structural and non-structural, to prevent construction site pollutants from negatively affecting other MS4s and streams. Examples of activities include:

  • Contract language requires contractors to implement Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) controls and obtain a Notice of Coverage from the Kentucky Division of Water.

  • Perform inspection audits on construction sites on campus and address issues immediately with contractors.

  • Review construction plans to ensure SWPPP measures are incorporated for all projects disturbing one acre or more.

  • Facility Management Project Managers attend erosion prevention and sediment control training.

The objective of this minimum control measure is to positively impact the chemical, biological, and overall health of the waters of Kentucky by reducing the rate and volume and improving the quality of stormwater runoff from the MS4 after construction is complete. Examples of activities that are part of the university’s stormwater pollution prevention plan include:

  • Contract language requires post-construction stormwater quality treatment.

  • Review plans to ensure post-construction stormwater quality treatment is addressed.

  • Incorporate post-construction stormwater quality requirements into design and construction standards.

  • Conduct inspections to ensure measures are installed correctly.

  • Perform BMP maintenance when needed.

  • Review and evaluate the university’s policies related to building and site design with the goal of infrastructure, such as green roofs, porous pavement, water harvesting, etc.

The objective of this minimum control measure is to ensure that MSU operations (i.e. open space maintenance, building maintenance, utility line construction, etc.) are performed in ways that will minimize the impact to stormwater quality. Examples of activities that are part of the university’s MS4 Operations & Maintenance Program include:

  • Evaluate standard operating procedures for activities related to Grounds and Custodial Services provided by outside contractors.

  • During the performance of the Grounds Custodial Services, SSC agrees to conform to and comply with university rules, regulations, and procedural practices communicated to SSC in writing with written notification of any changes.

  • Ensure all trash is picked up before mowing begins.

  • Evaluate standard operating procedures for activities related to maintenance and operations of campus utilities.

  • Develop and maintain an inventory of facilities and maintenance activities on campus for BMPs.

Murray State University’s main campus is located in the city of Murray, KY. MSU has approximately 70 buildings on the 232-acre main campus located in Murray, Kentucky in Calloway County. MSU is a co-permittee with the City of Murray with the Kentucky Division of Water for MS4 permit number KYG200000, AI number 35050. The university’s storm water system will be screened for non-stormwater sources and issues will be eliminated or mitigated as soon as possible. 

For more information about how you can protect ground water, visit the following websites:

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