

Murray State University’s CEED provides western Kentucky entrepreneurs and small businesses with the management consulting, business training, and access to the business resources needed to compete in today's challenging global economy. Located throughout western Kentucky, every entrepreneur has access to our wide range of services.

Management Consulting

Murray State CEED offers management consulting services for existing and start-up business owners. Counseling is one-to-one, confidential, and free of charge. These consultations are one of our most valuable resources for small business owners because it gives clients the opportunity to address their questions one-on-one with a seasoned business professional. Our counselors have experience in the business world, and most of them have advanced degrees.

We can help you with business issues such as:

  • Starting your business
  • Business Plan development
  • Seeking funding
  • Strategic Planning
  • Marketing
  • Financial analysis
  • Personnel issues
  • Disaster Protection and Recovery Planning
  • Importing/Exporting
  • Government Bid Match

Training Workshops

Murray State CEED offers workshops each year for existing and start-up businesses. The workshops vary from large, regional sessions to small classes taught by local businesspeople. The goal for all our sessions is to strengthen Western Kentucky’s business community by providing relevant, usable information. Some examples of the topics we cover include:

  • Pre-Business Orientation

  • Social Network Marketing

  • Marketing Basics

  • Human Resource Management

  • Strategic Planning


The resources available today to help existing and potential business owners are overwhelming. We strive to make access to those resources easy for entrepreneurs. In addition to the knowledge of our experienced staff, we have access to many publications, databases, and instructional information on a wide variety of business topics such as demographics, market research, business/industry profiles and sample business plans. 

In addition, we have access to many service providers. If we can’t help you directly, we will know someone who can. After more than 38 years of service, our referral network has become very large. The bottom line is that if you need business assistance, you have come to the right place!

AACSB Accredited


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